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10 Things Interior Designers Say You Don’t Need in Your Smart Bathroom

Designing a smart bathroom can be the most thrilling thing to do, promising great convenience, a degree of luxuriousness, and highly advanced technological sophistication. In real life, however, not all gadgets and features involved are worth your investment. Some interior designers claim that there are a few smart bathroom elements which you can do without. Here is a detailed look at ten things experts say you can skip to create a smart bathroom that’s functional and in style.

1. Oversmart Mirrors

That puts them into the range of a necessity for an over-the-top high-tech bathroom setup. Most of them, however, have steep learning curves, not to mention technical problems. Simple, high-quality mirrors with adjustable lighting are far easier to use, much more reliable, and don’t incorporate frills into your daily routine.

2. Voice-Activated Faucets

The concept of voice-controlled faucets may be very different, but they are not exactly functional in reality. They can be temperamental to operate, with steam in a bathroom interfering with voice recognition, let alone the fact that they tend to be more expensive and prone to breaking more than their touchless brethren. A touchless faucet provides the same hygienic benefits with much more reliability and simplicity for using it.

3. Too Many Controls for Lighting

Setting the mood in the bathroom is achieved by using smart lighting. On the other hand, having too many controls and settings for lighting can be completely overwhelming. While some systems boast an excessive range of options for customization, it may be rather tedious to reach the right setting quickly. Interior designers advise sticking to just a few basic settings, such as dimmable lighting and motion sensors, which provide convenience and ambiance without making the bathroom experience too complicated.

4. Over-the-Top Shower Systems

Multifunctional shower systems with several spray patterns, steam settings, and integrated sound systems should be the epitome of indulgence they can be pricey, complicated to install, and expensive to operate. They may also overwhelm their users with too many choices. Smart showerheads serve as a more practical alternative that still offers refreshing experiences but without all of the bells and whistles, offering a few very important features: water-saving settings and temperature control.

5. Digital Displays That Aren’t Needed

From scales to toothbrushes, there’s a temptation to digitally display gadgets in your bathroom. In truth, however, not all accessories in your bathroom need to be “smart”. So far, many digital features complicate tasks that are supposed to be simple and can litter the aesthetic of your bathroom. Instead, emphasize products offering true value and simplicity. Perhaps that means you’re better off with a high-quality analog scale or a normal electric toothbrush.

6. Too Much Featured Automatic Toilets

For some, automated toilets with heated seats, bidet functions, self-cleaning, and even air dryers can be the epitome of luxury. Where there is a luxury, there are technical problems and expensive repairs. These are usually those toilets that require special installation and regular maintenance, which causes them to become more hassles than they are worth. A more lowly version that contains only the basic ‘smart’ features can provide comfort and ease without the probable headaches.

7. Excessive Storage Solutions

Smart storage solutions that open with the wave of your hand or by voice might sound like something right out of a futuristic movie being added to your bathroom. But most of these systems can be more complicated than what one wants, or the potential for malfunction is so high. Traditional storage solutions, such as well-organized cabinets and shelving, are often better. They are spacious enough to accommodate all your bathroom needs without having to resort to high-tech intervention.

8. Smart Towel Warmers

A towel warmer can be a piece of great luxury, but once you add to it smart features such as timers, remote control, and connectivity through apps, it can easily become more trouble than it’s worth. Such features add complexity and possible technical issues to what should be an uncomplicated, straightforward appliance. The basic towel warmer serves just as well without the additional gadgets to handle.

9. High-Tech Bathtubs

The bathtubs that come out today with jets, lights, and sound systems can give any bathroom the appeal of a spa-type atmosphere. The only problem is these top-of-the-line bathtubs are extremely expensive and require a lot of maintenance. Sometimes they overly complicate the bathing experience with too many options and settings for your liking. A simple soaking tub designed to be ergonomic can offer you just as much of a relaxing experience without any of the extra hassle and maintenance.

10. Overcomplicated Temperature Controls

Smart thermostats with multi-zone controls and a variety of settings sound like an ideal way to make your bathroom experience perfect. However, the management of such systems is sometimes hard to handle, especially in a small compartment like a bathroom. A simple thermostat with a few programmable options ordinarily suffices. You can have the ideal temperature without the confusion and possible problems of a complicated system.

When it pertains to smart bathroom design, everything must fall back on functionality and simplicity, not crippled complexity. In that aspect, you will be able to showcase a practical yet luxurious smart bathroom by avoiding those overly complicated or redundant features. Remember, the key to a successfully working operating system in a smart bathroom does not lie in overwhelming the place with technology but in integrating smart solutions that become relevant and vital parts of your daily routine.

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